crossRCCG City of David Walworth is a home for connecting with other Christians in the Kingdom of God as we grow together through God’s Word, Worship & Prayer.  Our activities are filled with vibrant Praise & Worship, Spirit Building Sermons and fellowship with other Christians.

Our website provides more information on what we stand for and what we are about.  If you’re also looking for a Church family to join, please Contact Us as we’d love to have you fellowship with us.

God bless and have a wonderful time.

Guy Praising GodSunday Worship

Our Sunday Worship Service holds at 11.00am with vibrant praise, worship and taught word from one of the Pastors.

It is really a time of fellowship where people from every nation and tribe gather in the name of Jesus to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.  The service is also a time to connect with other Christians as there is also time to catch up with other people in the Kingdom and develop relationships.

Unpacking The Word

Every Wednesday from 7.00pm-8.30pm we run an interdenominational Bible Study Group where we share experiences and learn from the Bible.  It is a relaxed environment which also builds us up.  We use Biblical and life examples as a foundation for learning, growth and development.

Why don’t you join us at our next session and you’d be glad you came.

Time for Wonders

Every last Friday from 8-10pm